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Age 7+ | Logical Thinking Activities | Crack the code to plot the picture. Easy to intermediate with 10x10 dotted grids. Develops logical thinking (A5 stitched book)
Dinkie Crack-A-Jack (Book 1)
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Age 7+ | Logical Thinking Activities | Crack the code to plot the picture. Easy to intermediate with 10x10 dotted grids. Develops logical thinking (A5 stitched book)

Interesting and challenging brain jogging activities will help develop many vital learning skills. Crack the code and plot the picture.
The grid is a 10 x 10cm square, marked from 1-100 across 10 rows. Each black dot represents a number between 1 and 100. Cracking the codes, each picture is made up of 14-31 sums or riddles. Start by completing each of the sums. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Once all the codes have been cracked, you can plot your answers on the grid to unravel the mentioned picture. When your grid is complete, colour your masterpiece! Graded from easy to intermediate.
Develops eye-hand coordination, fine motor control, visual motor planning, position and direction, visual closure and part/whole perception.
The grid is a 10 x 10cm square, marked from 1-100 across 10 rows. Each black dot represents a number between 1 and 100. Cracking the codes, each picture is made up of 14-31 sums or riddles. Start by completing each of the sums. Write your answers in the spaces provided. Once all the codes have been cracked, you can plot your answers on the grid to unravel the mentioned picture. When your grid is complete, colour your masterpiece! Graded from easy to intermediate.
Develops eye-hand coordination, fine motor control, visual motor planning, position and direction, visual closure and part/whole perception.
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