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Mozi Blocks - Rainbow Clear (16pc) - with Pattern Cards - Weplay

Inspire from the colours of the rainbow, these translucent blocks are lively of yellow, blue, green and red. Vivid and beautiful coloured blocks are one of the first colour games for young children to recognize and play with colours. This set of coloured blocks allows children to construct beautiful and creative shapes and images. While playing with the blocks, children will experience spatial art through sequences, colours, images, etc. It is amazing to see through these blocks for interesting colour changes and effects. Bringing the Natural elements into table play, the whole series of art blocks display rainbow, sunflowers, ocean, lavender and forest. instruction cards are included in every set to help users enjoy it from simple to challenging levels, and enrich their creativity. There are 5 sets in this series. Each set integrates visual art creative construction, fine motor skills development and mathematical and logical concept. Creative and interactive play help children develop physical and cognitive potentials in a unique fun way. Designed to develop movement, tactile perception, fine motor skills, creative play and interaction. This will result in higher attention, confidence, cognition and emotion.
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