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Age 3+ | 17-piece wooden play food set with wooden knife | Self-stick tabs hold pieces together, then "slice" apart with satisfying crunch sound | Introduce fractions to kids while playing
Cutting Fruit Crate
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Age 3+ | 17-piece wooden play food set with wooden knife | Self-stick tabs hold pieces together, then "slice" apart with satisfying crunch sound | Introduce fractions to kids while playing

This wooden play food set features a wooden knife and seven pieces of sliceable fruit that can be cut into a total of seventeen pieces! Held together with self-stick tabs, the food makes a fun and satisfying "CRUNCH" sound when sliced. With so many pieces, it's also a great way to introduce counting and the concepts of part, whole, and fractions!
Discover Countless Ways To Play: Have kids identify each piece of fruit. Place the pieces of fruit in a row. Count the pieces. Repeat the activity until the child is able to count them independently; Have kids use the wooden knife to cut the pear into two pieces. Explain that pear has been cut into two equally sized pieces or halves. Challenge kids to find other fruits that can be cut into halves (the orange, strawberry, lemon and kiwi); Have kids use the wooden knife to cut the banana into three pieces. Explain that the banana has been cut into thirds. Have kids use the wooden knife to cut the melon slice into four pieces. Explain that the melon slice has been cut into fourths or quarters. Have kids mix different pieces of fruit together to create fun new fruits and name them. For example: a strawberry and a kiwi might make a "kiberry." Line up four or more pieces of fruit. Let kids study the pieces then have them close their eyes while you remove one piece. Ask the child to identify which piece you "ate!"
Discover Countless Ways To Play: Have kids identify each piece of fruit. Place the pieces of fruit in a row. Count the pieces. Repeat the activity until the child is able to count them independently; Have kids use the wooden knife to cut the pear into two pieces. Explain that pear has been cut into two equally sized pieces or halves. Challenge kids to find other fruits that can be cut into halves (the orange, strawberry, lemon and kiwi); Have kids use the wooden knife to cut the banana into three pieces. Explain that the banana has been cut into thirds. Have kids use the wooden knife to cut the melon slice into four pieces. Explain that the melon slice has been cut into fourths or quarters. Have kids mix different pieces of fruit together to create fun new fruits and name them. For example: a strawberry and a kiwi might make a "kiberry." Line up four or more pieces of fruit. Let kids study the pieces then have them close their eyes while you remove one piece. Ask the child to identify which piece you "ate!"
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