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Table Activity - Large - Assorted

Product: CR-FU-026
Includes: Table Activity - Large - choose a colour
This plastic table has a round basin in the middle that can be filled with water, sand, art tools, etc. The table is made of strong, durable plastic. All the edges are smooth, so children won’t cut themselves. Activities can be messy, so it is recommended that the table be used outside. If the table becomes dirty, simply wash it with warm, soapy water. Children can use the table for free play with sand and/or water, for group activities, or STEAM activities.
Here are 2 examples of STEAM activities:
- Volume (the basin is half full of water)
Use a waterproof Band-Aid plaster to mark the top of the water. Show the children that the water level rises when liquid or heavy objects are thrown in. Let the children predict how much the water will rise with different objects. Use objects that ensure the children will have to think outside the box. For example, wood floats, so a wood block won’t have the same effect on the water level as a metal block of the same size.
- Basic math calculations (the basin is empty)
Let children do basic math calculations by adding and removing baby balls (BT-PB-003) from the basin.
For children aged 3 and up.
Dimensions: 73 x 73 x 48cm High, Sits 4.
Colour: Choose a Colour: Green; Red; Blue or Yellow.
Learning Skills: Midline-Crossing Skills; Creative and Logical Thinking & Social and Language Skills
Material: Non-Toxic Plastic
Warning: Supervision for small children is required.
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