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Memo Match

Product: LA-RV-008<?xml:namespace prefix="o" ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"?></o:p>
Includes: Memo Match</o:p>
This set includes 8 double-sided playing boards (pictures & letters), 2 sets of 30 picture cards, and an instruction manual. With Memo Match, you can play different games like Match the Pictures, Spot the Difference, Matching Pairs, Picture/Alphabet Lotto, and more. The letter cards can also be traced to practice writing skills. Playing Memo Match games builds vocabulary and improves memory, language and social skills, auditory and visual discrimination, creative and logical thinking, as well as concentration.</o:p>
Game example: Matching Pairs</o:p>
You need 2 copies of 8 different pictures for this game, e.g., 2 balls, 2 lions, etc. This game can be played individually or in groups.</o:p>
- Place the pictures face down on the ground (in random order). It is advised that you place the pictures in 4x4 rows and columns.</o:p>
- Pick up a card, look at it, and place it back face down. Repeat with the other cards.</o:p>
- Say you pick up a ball in column 2, row 3. You remember that you saw a ball in column 1, row 1. Check to see if you remembered right. </o:p>
- If you remember correctly, place both cards face-up in their places.</o:p>
- If you remembered incorrectly, place both cards face-down in their places.</o:p>
- The game goes on until all the cards are face-up.</o:p>
Note: The number of different pictures can be adjusted to fit different skill levels.</o:p>
For children aged 3 and up.</o:p>
Dimensions: 8 double-sided playing boards & 2x30 picture cards</o:p>
Colour: Colour Pictures</o:p>
Learning Skills: Basic Language Skills; Memory; Social Skills; Visual and Auditory Discrimination & Concentration.</o:p>
Material: Cardboard</o:p>
Warning: Supervision for small children is required.</o:p>
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