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Age 3+ | 33 x 27 x 15.5cm | Includes 2 dolls and lovely furniture | Play anywhere with your doll house, then fold it up and travel to a new adventure
Fold and Go Mini Dolls House
Tax included
Age 3+ | 33 x 27 x 15.5cm | Includes 2 dolls and lovely furniture | Play anywhere with your doll house, then fold it up and travel to a new adventure

Enjoy a "home away from home" with this delightful wooden dollhouse. Two flexible, wooden play figures live in this house, complete with 11 pieces of wooden furniture. The dollhouse opens for easy access and folds closed for convenient storage.
Discover Countless Ways To Play: Have kids count the number of rooms in the dollhouse, number of windows, stairs on the staircases, etc. Have kids identify shapes on the dollhouse: squares, rectangles, hearts, triangles, etc. Have kids identify the colours on the dollhouse; Display several pieces of furniture, then ask kids to identify each piece and the room where each piece belongs. Secretly remove a piece of furniture from a room. Close the dollhouse, show kids the furniture piece, and ask them which room it belongs in.
Discover Countless Ways To Play: Have kids count the number of rooms in the dollhouse, number of windows, stairs on the staircases, etc. Have kids identify shapes on the dollhouse: squares, rectangles, hearts, triangles, etc. Have kids identify the colours on the dollhouse; Display several pieces of furniture, then ask kids to identify each piece and the room where each piece belongs. Secretly remove a piece of furniture from a room. Close the dollhouse, show kids the furniture piece, and ask them which room it belongs in.
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