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Age 12m+ A trailer that can be hooked onto a Big Jim Scooter (OP-TR-037). Let your child have hours of fun pulling all sorts of objects around. Colour: red.
Scooter - Trailer Big Jim - Black with Red Wheels
Tax included
Age 12m+ A trailer that can be hooked onto a Big Jim Scooter (OP-TR-037). Let your child have hours of fun pulling all sorts of objects around. Colour: red.

Product: OP-TR-037-TR-FR
Includes: Scooter - Trailer Big Jim - Fun Red
Once toddlers learn how to walk, they are eager to try all sorts of new movements. This Big Jim Trailer can be pulled by hand or hooked onto a Big Jim Scooter (OP-TR-037). Children can use this trailer to transport toys, sand, blocks, books, etc. Build your toddler’s self-esteem and confidence by letting him or her help you transport objects. For example, when you come home after shopping, place a (fabric) grocery bag into the trailer so the child can take it to the kitchen for you. Warning: avoid things that are sharp, breakable, or make your child choke. Pulling a trailer develops gross motor skills, confidence, balance, creative and logical thinking, mobile independence, and self-esteem. By pulling the trailer at different speeds, uphill and downhill, children also learn about gravity as well as cause and effect.
For children aged 12 and up.
Dimensions: ~56 x 33 x 32 cm.
Colour: Red
Learning Skills: Problem-Solving; Creative and Logical Thinking; Gross Motor Skills and Balance
Material: non-toxic plastic
Warning: Supervision for small children is required.
Data sheet
- Age
- 12+ Months
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