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Age 3+ | One four-sided track with 2 balls | 28 x 25 x 4.5cm | Roll ball on tracks for various fine motor skills enhancement and therapy and rehabilitation exercises
Rolling 4 Fun (Weplay)
Save R557.25
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Age 3+ | One four-sided track with 2 balls | 28 x 25 x 4.5cm | Roll ball on tracks for various fine motor skills enhancement and therapy and rehabilitation exercises

WePlay rolling 4 Fun offers multi-ways of activities. Make good use of a hollow oval shape with four different tracks on four different sides. Have a small ball roll among the tracks to create more fun and challenge. Four completely different ways of playing and functions offer finger and arm exercises to enhance children's motor skills from arms to fingers. It also develops visual tracking and concentration, stability of hands, development of oral muscles, flexibility of fingers and upper limbs.
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