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Age 6+ Bad Fat Cat is the first book in a series of fun-filled phonic books. The book teaches short vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and consonants.
Book - Phonic 1 - Bad Fat Cat
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Age 6+ Bad Fat Cat is the first book in a series of fun-filled phonic books. The book teaches short vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and consonants.

Product: PM-SM-1500
Includes: Book - Phonic 1 - Bad Fat Cat
Phonic books teach children letter-sound relationships and that the order of the letters is important for meaning, e.g., pea vs. ape. Bad Fat Cat is the first book in a South African book series of fun-filled phonic books. This phonics book series is over 30 years old and still seen as the ideal set to teach your child how to read and write. Teach your child about initial sounds, rhyming words, vowel sounds, blends, sentence structure, and digraphs. The activities in the books include word dominoes, stories with comprehension exercises, mazes, word-building activities, and word searches. Bad Fat Cat focuses on the short vowels a, e, i, o, u, and consonants.
If your child has worked through Bad Fat Cat, he or she can move on to the second phonic book, Jim and the Fish (PM-SM-1510).
For children aged 6 and up.
Dimensions: A5 Workbook, Paperback
Colour: Colour Cover; Black-and-White Inside
Learning Skills: Basic Language Skills; Reading and Writing; and Phonic Awareness
Material: Paper
Warning: Supervision of small children is required.
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