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Age 6+ Sun paint (1L) is used to sun dye (or tie dye) fabric and clothes. Let children decorate their clothes. Choose a colour: black, blue, brown, green, orange, pink, red, violet, or yellow.
Sun Paint (1L Bottle) DALA - choose colour
Tax included
Age 6+ Sun paint (1L) is used to sun dye (or tie dye) fabric and clothes. Let children decorate their clothes. Choose a colour: black, blue, brown, green, orange, pink, red, violet, or yellow.

Product: AC-PT-018
Includes: Sun Paint (1L Bottle) DALA - choose a colour
If you are looking for a nice science, sensory, or art activity for your children, then this is the place for you. Sun paint is used to sun dye (or tie dye) fabric and clothes. Tip: Always test the paint on an extra piece of fabric to make sure it works well on the type of fabric you wish to use. You can dilute sun paint.
How to use:
Dunk the fabric in water and then wring the excess water out till the fabric is damp.
Throw a thick layer of sun paint onto the fabric.
Place the wet fabric in the sun. You can place objects on the fabric to make patterns and decorative designs, or you can twist, knot, and shape the fabric.
Leave it in the sun to dry.
Remove the objects from the fabric.
Use an iron to heat-set the paint. The maximum temperature is 1300 °C for 3 minutes.
Warning: Do not let small children use the iron. Rather, iron it yourself.
Wash the fabric separately from your clothes a few times to ensure your other clothes don’t get stained.
Do note: Sun paint stains, covering your clothes, hands, and work area are recommended.
To be used for children aged 6+
Dimensions: 1L
Colour: Choose a colour: black, blue, brown, green, orange, pink, red, violet, or yellow.
Learning Skills: Creativity and Imagination; Colour Recognition; Concentration; Fine and Gross Motor Skills; and Hand-Eye Coordination
Material: Sun Paint
Warning: BURN HAZZARD: Do not let small children use the iron.
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