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Age 12m+ A pull wagon for your little one. Let your child have hours of fun pulling all sorts of objects around.
Pullwagon - Assorted colours
Tax included
Age 12m+ A pull wagon for your little one. Let your child have hours of fun pulling all sorts of objects around.

Product: OP-KS-041
Includes: Pullwagon - assorted colours
Once toddlers learn how to walk, they are eager to try all sorts of new movements. Pulling a wagon as they walk is a new accomplishment for them that enables them to move objects from point A to point B. This wagon has four wheels and a rope that can be pulled on. The rope has a handle to make it easier for small hands to grip. Children can place toys, sand, blocks, books, etc. into the wagon and pull it around all over the place. Build your toddler’s self-esteem and confidence by letting him or her help you transport objects. For example, when you come home after shopping, place a (fabric) grocery bag into the wagon so the child can take it to the kitchen for you. Warning: avoid things that are sharp, breakable, or make your child choke. Pulling a wagon develops gross motor skills, confidence, balance, creative and logical thinking, mobile independence, and self-esteem. By pulling the wagon at different speeds, uphill and downhill, children also learn about basic physics as well as cause and effect.
For children aged 12 and up.
Dimensions: Cart with 4x Wheels and a Pull Rope.
Colour: Red
Learning Skills: Problem-Solving; Creative and Logical Thinking; Gross Motor Skills and Balance
Material: non-toxic plastic
Warning: Supervision for small children is required.
Data sheet
- Age
- 12+ Months
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