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Age 5+ | Pool toy | 38 x 22 x 7cm | Includes Louie Lobster Claw Catcher (squeeze-and-grab), 3 fishy sinkers & game ideas
Louis Lobster Claw Catcher
Tax included
Age 5+ | Pool toy | 38 x 22 x 7cm | Includes Louie Lobster Claw Catcher (squeeze-and-grab), 3 fishy sinkers & game ideas

Squeeze the handle and - SNAP! - Louie Lobster's claws clamp shut. Colourful, easy to use and so much fun to squeeze, this Louie Lobster play set comes with three fishy sinkers to grab, plus lots of game ideas to inspire playtime in and out of the pool.
Discover Countless Ways To Play: Make any of these activities into a contest by timing each player as he/she completes the task. Whoever finishes the challenge fastest is the winner! Try to pick up one fish at a time from the bottom of the pool, and carry it to the edge of the pool using only the Claw Catcher. (No hands!) Try picking up one fish first. Then try catching two fish at a time. Final challenge: Pick up all three fish in the same try, and carry them up to the edge of the pool in the Claw Catcher. Have a friend drop a fish into the water. Try to catch it with your Claw Catcher before it reaches the bottom; Use the bottom claw to scoop up water, with the Claw Catcher above the pool and on its side to keep the water inside. With the claws closed, quickly flip over the Claw Catcher so the water drops into the opposite claw. Check to see how much water is left. Keep closing and flipping the claws until all the water has fallen out. You get one point for every flip! In the house, use the Claw Catcher to grab toys: Can you pick up a block? A puzzle piece? Who can pick up the smallest object?
Discover Countless Ways To Play: Make any of these activities into a contest by timing each player as he/she completes the task. Whoever finishes the challenge fastest is the winner! Try to pick up one fish at a time from the bottom of the pool, and carry it to the edge of the pool using only the Claw Catcher. (No hands!) Try picking up one fish first. Then try catching two fish at a time. Final challenge: Pick up all three fish in the same try, and carry them up to the edge of the pool in the Claw Catcher. Have a friend drop a fish into the water. Try to catch it with your Claw Catcher before it reaches the bottom; Use the bottom claw to scoop up water, with the Claw Catcher above the pool and on its side to keep the water inside. With the claws closed, quickly flip over the Claw Catcher so the water drops into the opposite claw. Check to see how much water is left. Keep closing and flipping the claws until all the water has fallen out. You get one point for every flip! In the house, use the Claw Catcher to grab toys: Can you pick up a block? A puzzle piece? Who can pick up the smallest object?
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