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Age 3+ | 20pc Set | Wooden food items & corrugated BBQ storage box | Double sided pieces | Playset for pretend BBQ or South African braai
Grill & Serve BBQ Set
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Age 3+ | 20pc Set | Wooden food items & corrugated BBQ storage box | Double sided pieces | Playset for pretend BBQ or South African braai

Fire up the imagination while firing up this pretend play BBQ with all the "fixings" for a fantastic feast! The 20-piece wooden food set includes grilling favourites like hotdog, hamburger, chicken, steak, ribs, veggie burger, and corn, plus tasty toppings and sturdy utensils. Flip the sturdy corrugated box over and it becomes the "grill," with pictures of knobs for adjusting the temperature and four self-stick tabs to hold the food. Double-sided food pieces show one side uncooked--flip the pieces with the tongs or spatula, and the other side appears cooked! Use the buns to make a sandwich with fresh toppings. Self-stick tabs hold some of the items together, and then make a satisfying crunch when cut apart with the kid-friendly knife. Serve it all up on the included paper checkered placemat. After mealtime, use the grill/corrugated box as a handy storage place for all the items! The Wooden Grill & Serve BBQ Set promotes hand-eye coordination, creative expression, and imaginative play.
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