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Highlight strips are perfect for emergent readers or students who need a little help with tracking while reading.
Highlight Reading Guide Strips (8pc)
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Highlight strips are perfect for emergent readers or students who need a little help with tracking while reading.

The Highlight Strip is a lightweight plastic strip that allows you to highlight print through a transparent tinted window. These highlight reading strips help children focus on one sentence at a time. \n \nHighlight strips are perfect for emergent readers or students who need a little help with tracking while reading. These Highlight Strips are designed to aid students and adults with the following difficulties: skipping words, skipping lines, reversing letters, transposing letters, losing your place, re-reading lines, squinting, concentration, comprehension, red/ watery eyes & reading fatigue. Also great for those with Irlen Syndrome or Scotopic Sensitivity. Most commonly suggested for: Visual Impairment, Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and other reading disorders. \n \nHighlight Strips come in three different coloured strips: yellow, pink and blue. The unique design is printed and die cut on see-through plastic. Perfect for reading or looking at lists of information. There are 3 Highlight Strips per pack. \n
Benefits of using Highlight Strips:
\n- \n
- Highlight Strips help maintain the child’s place on the page while the child is reading. \n
- help blocks distractions on the page \n
- help strengthen visual tracking skills. \n
- assist in concentration and focus. \n
\nI purchased these for my dyslexic daughter and they are great. They really help her to focus and read more fluently. I chose this product because it comes with 30 and I knew we would lose them here and there. There are plenty to keep at home and at school. I was even able to share a few with other parents. \n \nThese steps are remarkably helpful for my daughter who has tracking and letter reversal problems. She does best with blue with her particular problems but can use the other colors as well. Having such a big pack of strips means she can leave them in different places, bags, books and she also doesn't need to worry about losing or tearing one (this hasn't happened as they're pretty sturdy but it's something that isn't a worry since we have replacements).
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