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Domino - Giant Numbers

Product: EP-MM-002
Includes: Domino - Giant Numbers
Unlike ordinary dominoes that have spots on them, these number dominoes have numbers and sums. On the left side of each domino is a lone number (e.g. 8), while the right side has a sum (e.g. 1+6).
How to play: (This is just an example; feel free to change the game to fit your needs.)
- The teacher places a domino on the table, say 8; 1+6.
(Divide the rest of the dominos equally amongst the children in the class.)
- The first child plays a domino with the answer 7 next to the 1+6 side of the teacher’s domino. Let us say we have: 8; 1+6 and now 7; 3+2
- The next child has to play a domino with the number 5 next.
- If a child doesn’t have a domino that contains an answer to the last played domino’s sum, then the child skips a turn.
- Choose how to end the game:
- The game goes on until all the children have played all their dominoes (no winning or losing).
- The winner is the first child who has played all his or her dominoes.
This game motivates children to do mental calculations quickly. It is a fun way to teach and reinforce number recognition and basic addition.
For children aged 6 and up.
Dimensions: 30 Giant Math Dominos
Colour: Yellow
Learning Skills: Basic Mathematical Concepts; Problem-Solving; Creative and Logical Thinking; Fine Motor Skills, Hand-Eye Coordination & Spatial Awareness
Material: Non-Toxic Plastic
Warning: Supervision for small children is required.
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