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Age 5+ My First Cookbook features 27 easy recipes that you and your child can make together. Cooking is a fun learning experience for children that builds parent-child relationships and confidence.
Cookbook - My First (Recipe book)
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Age 5+ My First Cookbook features 27 easy recipes that you and your child can make together. Cooking is a fun learning experience for children that builds parent-child relationships and confidence.

Product: PM-SM-1285
Includes: Cookbook - My First (recipe book)
Children learn through play and imitation. They see you work in the kitchen, and so they want to work in the kitchen as well. My First Cookbook contains 27 easy, step-by-step recipes that you and your child can make together. Working together in the kitchen gives you the ideal opportunity to build parent-child relationships as well as teach your child about healthy eating habits.
Cooking also develops various math, language, and science skills.
Language: cooking develops children’s vocabulary (e.g., the names of products) as well as their ability to read and follow instructions. You should also talk to your child while you cook, e.g., explain why things are done a specific way, what the ingredients are called, about safety in the kitchen, etc.
Math: Measuring ingredients, keeping time, counting eggs, and following steps in the right order are all math skills your child develops while having fun cooking. Through measuring, your child learns about volume, fractions, basic calculations, and concepts like more and less.
Science is inherently part of cooking. Dough rising, butter melting, mixing of liquid and dry ingredients, as well as the inability of water and oil to mix, are just some examples of science in the kitchen.
Cooking improves a child’s fine and gross motor skills, self-esteem, creativity, concentration, and hand-eye coordination. It also stimulates your child’s senses and observation skills.
For children aged 5 and up.
Dimensions: Paperback, Ring Bind
Colour: Black and White
Learning Skills: Basic Math, Language, and Science Skills; Logical and Creative Thinking, Fine and Gross Motor Skills; Coordination and Observation Skills.
Material: Paper
Warning: There should always be proper adult supervision when children work in the kitchen.
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