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These flexible fraction modular flip charts let you reinforce one Fractions concept at a time or show connections between the different concepts.
Fractions Modular Flip Charts
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These flexible fraction modular flip charts let you reinforce one Fractions concept at a time or show connections between the different concepts.

These flexible fraction modular flip charts let you reinforce one Fractions concept at a time or show connections between the different concepts. It features 4 snap-together charts that display fractional parts of a circle, fractions, decimals and percents. It comes with a handy Activity Guide featuring many ideas for use in the classroom. \n \nThe Fractions Modular Flip Chart is a colourful, versatile teaching tool for reinforcing concepts involving fractions, percents and decimals. The flip chart consists of four modules - three displaying fractions, percents and decimals and one displaying fractional parts. Simply snap together the modules you need to help students learn about fraction equivalencies. \n
Getting Started
\nTo familiarize your students with the graphics hold up the fractional parts module. Flip through the cards and ask students to identify the fractions shown. \nSome Activity Ideas
\nMake a Match
\nSnap two modules together. Display a card on one module and call on students to find the matching card on the other module. Match a fraction part with a fraction a percent or a decimal. Match a decimal part with a fractional part or a percent. Or match a percent with a fractional part. This can be done with two, three or all four modules. \nOdd one Out
\nSnap all four modules together. Flip the cards so that only three of the modules match. Ask students to state which card is the "odd one out" and call on a volunteer to change the card to match. Repeat the activity several times, making sure that you alternate the modules displaying the mismatched cards \nLet's compare
\nSelect two modules, such as the ones displaying fractions and decimals and display them separately. Flip 2 cards that don't match such as 1/5 and 0.25. Then have students point out whether the amount on the left is greater than, equal to, or less than the amount shown on the right.
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