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Equivalency Cubes (51pc)

Fraction Tower Equivalency Suggested Activities
Free Exploration
Encourage students to become familiar with the Equivalency Cubes before initiating any formal instruction or reinforcement activities. Observe your \nstudents’ explorations and note skill levels.Manipulative Connections
Action tower Equivalency Cubes have a two centimeter base width. Use them to make transitions between manipulatives such as wooden and plastic color cubes, interlocking MathLink ® Cubes (LER 0951), or other math manipulatives.
Parts of a Whole Show the red cube to your students. It is equal to one whole unit (1, 100%, 1.0). The remaining cubes are parts of a whole. Compare the pink cube to the red cube. It takes two pink cubes to match the height of one red cube. The pink cubes have a value of 0.5, 1/2 or 50%, as designated. Demonstrate that same color cubes are equal in value. Continue comparing cubes to the unit. Incorporate vocabulary terms such as part, whole, and equal-sized parts in your discussion.
Make two equivalent decimals such as one pink cube and three teal cubes. Ask students to observe and compare the height of each decimal. Make another set of equivalent percents such as two orange cubes and four teal cubes. Observe the heights. Challenge students to make another pair of equivalent cubes where the heights do not equal one another. (It’s impossible! The cubes are equivalent only if they have the same height.)Adding and Subtracting
Use your decimal cubes to formulate problems such as 0.25 + 0.50 = 0.75. Encourage students to estimate answers before completing problems. Remember to show all three equivalents to formulate adding and subtracting problems. Challenge students to complete addition and subtraction problems with all three sides of the cubes.Data sheet
- Age
- 6+ Years
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